Selected Field Trips

Orca Basin, 2023

The RV Point Sur brought us to the Orca Basin, a deep hypersaline anoxic basin within the Gulf of Mexico. I investigated methanogens associated to FeS minerals that thrive under great pressure and salinity.

With a larger group of scientists, I visited transient hypersaline lakes of the Yilgarn Craton to study microbial methane metabolism at high salinity.

Western Australia, 2022

Great Boiling Springs, 2021

I explored hot springs in Nevada’s desert to look for microbes that make methane at extremely high temperatures.

I traveled through Central and South America to find evidence for the abiotic production of nitrous oxide and its consumption by bacteria in diverse peatlands.

Costa Rica and Brazil, 2018

Iquitos, Peru, 2014 and 2015

For the first time, I went to the tropics to study microbes adapted to anoxic and acidic conditions of organic carbon-rich soils.

I investigated a rusty microbial mat bearing diverse iron minerals afloat methane-rich waters in an iron mine deep in a mountain.

Gonzen mine, Switzerland, 2011